Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Peanut Butter Bumper Date

A few years ago, I introduced my cereal-crazed fiance to one of my favorite cereals, Peanut Butter Bumpers.


Peanut Butter Bumpers are organic puffs of corn, flavored with natural peanut butter and are simply delicious!

The Mister was instantly hooked and we were going through 2 boxes a week between breakfast and late-night snacks.

When I was working, my office was two blocks from our apartment and I had to go in at 9:00 am where the Mister had to commute about 20 minutes and had to be in at 8:00 am.

His morning routine is to shower, get ready and then have breakfast. My routine is to make coffee, have breakfast and then shower and get ready.

Lucky for us, we would both be ready for breakfast at the same time. So we started our "Peanut Butter Bumper Dates". Cheesy, I know. But I loved getting our breakfast ready while the Mister was finishing getting ready for work. I would tell him it was time for our "Peanut Butter Bumper date" and he would rush to finish up so we could eat together.

It was a really great way to start a morning!

Today I was grocery shopping and there was a sale on the Bumpers (they are kind of pricey and now that I am jobless, they aren't a priority). I called the Mister to say "What cereal do you want? Bumper are on sale."

He replies, "Get Bumpers! We can have a Peanut Butter Bumper date."

And then my heart sunk: we have stopped our dates.

Our current situation doesn't allow for us to do these little cheesy moments. Living with the Mister's sister and brother-in-law has really taken a toll on our romance efforts. We find that we hide our gestures since his sister and brother-in-law are not that kind of couple (we are heavy on the romance and they are... well, not).

The more I think about it, there have been a bunch of little gestures that have faded away with time. I won't get into because some of it will make you nauseous, but they were little things that meant so much to us, would ease pain, make us laugh or offer us comfort.

I miss those little gestures.

I hope we can bring them back once we are on our own again.

Think back to the beginning of your relationship. Are there little things/gestures you use to do but don't do any more?

Let's all make a promise here and now: promise to bring back one of those gestures this week, even if it is just for one night. Okay?!

Mine is a Peanut Butter Bumper date. What is yours?

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