Sarah's 30 Before 30 List - (originally posted here , red means it's done!)
1. Loose weight and get healthy - this is half done: we joined Jenny Craig and are down about 10 lbs each.
2. Attend church more
3. Go to Paris with Geo
4. Have a fancy picnic (champagne, sunset, etc.)
5. Renew our wedding vows
6. Go to Washington DC with Geo
7. Wear heels once every weekend
8. Take dance lessons
9. Adopt a dog
10. Do karaoke in public, again
11. Have a baby (God willing)
12. Rent a convertible for a weekend with George and just drive (that's our retirement dream, too)
13. Bike around the Finger Lakes Wine Trail
14. Spend a summer day on the grand lawn in Central Park with Geo
15. Hike... anywhere
16. Swim in the ocean
17. Finally use Rosetta Stone's Learn French tutorial
18. Strengthen some friendships
19. Finish one of my 4 screenplays and submit it for development (worth a try)
20. Learn to use a sewing machine
21. Host a fancy, black-tie dinner
22. TMI ALERT - make out with Geo more
23. Save money - 3 months salary to start
24. Spoil our nieces and nephew
25. Get better at photography
26. Learn Photoshop/Indesign
27. Find a signature scent - It's Flowerbomb :)
28. Wear more jewelry
29. Accept compliments better
30. Accomplish half of this list :)
George's 30 Before 30 List -
1. Travel to Paris
2. Travel to Rome
3. Have babies (his words)
4. Expand financial portfolio
5. more to come....