Friday, August 28, 2009

A Très Chic Wedding: Comparison Weddings

I have a bunch of cousins. And by bunch, I mean about 16 on my mom's side and 13 on my dad's side.
I am the fifth to get married on my mom's side but the first on my dad's side.
My dad's family is thrilled and excited for us. They love the Mister and everyone is always offering to help without offering their opinion.
My mom's family is completely obsessed with the Mister! He won them over at my cousin's wedding when he busted out the entire Thriller dance. It was priceless!

As I said, I am the fifth to get married on my mom's side but I am only the second girl.
Duh-da-dum-dum! And the comparison weddings start.
My family is competitive over everything; birthday parties, holiday parties, vacations, weight loss, degrees obtained, babies made... just everything!

This competitive nature has crossed over to our weddings as well, especially my female cousin's wedding to mine. "Cousin did this, this, that and those," I am told immediately after announcing a plan.
Her wedding was beautiful! The flowers, the food, the white tent, the absolute most perfect weather- just beautiful!

Source: Both were taken by me.
But ours will be too. And it will be all ours! Cousin didn't have the theme, the projects or the personal touches ours will have.

Not bad, right?
I mean, obviously this is just the tip-of-the-DIY-ice burg but I am sure you can see where I am going with this.
Whether it is with family or friends, is anyone else experience the "comparison wedding" syndrome?
p.s.- the Cousin has been so supportive and reminds me to do what I want and not letting anyone in the family spoil this special time for us. THANKS COUSIN :)

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