Sunday, November 21, 2010

Boxed Wine is Fine

We live in the Finger Lakes area.  That probably means nothing to you, so let's just call is The Napa Valley of New York.

The Finger Lakes are is giving Napa, Italy and France a run for their money when it comes to wine.  With our warm summers and cold winters, the Finger Lakes offer the perfect environment for growing grapes.  The lakes help balance the climbs and fall in temperature, protecting the grapes for being shocked by the elements. 

About 5 years ago, I started working at a local winery where I gained a boat load of knowledge on growing, harvesting, making, bottling, storing and drinking wine. 

Two things I thought were odd but TOTALLY made sense we the industries interest in transitioning to synthetic corks (they let less air in than the porous, real corks) and cask or air-tight bag to replace bottling.  You might know it as BOXED WINE!...

Oh the horror, the horror!!

It actually makes a ton of good sense.  Boxed wine hold air-tight bags prevent air from getting to the wine prior to consumption.  Yes, it's great to let wine breathe so the flavors and aromas can develop.  But air eventually spoils the wine.  So after 2 or 3 days, your pinot noir tastes like pinot-of-crap.

There are a few brands that are leading the way in banishing the cheap-wine stigma that is associated with boxed wine. 

One is Black Box.

Their reds are full bodied, bone dry and really good.  Their whites range from a semi-sweet Riesling to a dry and citrusy Pinot Grigio.   The Riesling will pair well with Turkey (all Rieslings will) and be a hit with George's sweet-wine loving family.

For myself, I went with Big House Red...

I haven't had it yet but the online reviews are great and my wine shop pros were all a buzz over it.  For $16 and the equivalent of 3 bottles, I went for it!

The best part, once opened, these each should last 3-4 weeks!!  That will bring us into the holiday season with a well stocked bar.

I'm a firm believer in boxed wines taking over the market.  Glass bottles will never be gone completely but I do think the boxed wine will become the norm.

Have you had any great boxed wines?  I would LOVE to know what you think.

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