Monday, December 20, 2010

New Years Resolutions: Part 2

Yep, I forgot to mention another resolution I have for 2011.  Ironically, the resolution I forgot to mention is the resolution I always forget to practice: Finances.

I'm not talking money.  I'm talking wealth. 

I have the basics: a retirement plan, a life insurance policy and a few hours of pay in my savings but that's about it. 

Since getting married, we have been trying to get better at watching and controlling our spending.  Honestly we could do better. George is pretty darn good at it but me, well,  I am the shopper.  I'm a cheap, wheeling-and-dealing shopper but a shopper all the same.

I can make any event into a shopping experience.  I'm a marketing company's dream (probably why I'm in marketing).  I crack under the pressure of the impulse items in the checkout line at the grocery store.  I claps at the sign of a sale. I caved at the dentist and bought a fancy toothbrush and he didn't even push it! 

So when I say "it's not money, it's wealth", I mean, I am fine income-wise (though I could ALWAYS use more) but I want to have long-term wealth.  I love the idea of having a few months of income saved.  A more aggressive retirement plan.  Stocks, bonds and CDs... whatever those mean.   I want my car paid off faster.  My student loans paid off faster.  And to throw more in my savings and retirement. 

I want to retire early.  Travel.  Live well and enjoy life.  I don't want to ALWAYS think finances and wealth but I do want to stop forgetting about it.

How about you all?  Any tips where to start?

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