Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Season of Giving

I'm not proud of this, but I did not give back much this season.  I have always been able to find an Angel Tree...

You know, the tree at the grocery store/public library/church with paper angel tags that have a child's Christmas wish on it?  I could not find an angel tree ANYWHERE this year. I feel awful about not giving.  It means there is a little child out there who doesn't get a Christmas this year. 

I did donate some food and dropped some change in the red kettles.  And a woman at work, who has fallen on hard times, told me how she saved up to get her son a Wii for Christmas (er, we have two and no kids).  And when our other co-worker was pumping her to get other games, I offered to give her some that we aren't using.  Cause I knew she Santa might not have had the budget for more Wii games at their house this year.

I wish I did more.  My resolution does include making more of an effort to volunteer and pay-it-forward. But I wish I could rewind time a week or two so I could have done more.

Do you give during the season of giving?  Any ideas of what I could do in the New Year?

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